Pre-Purchase Surveys
A pre purchase survey is a detailed in and out of water technical inspection of a Super Yacht. We will also consider how the Super Yacht will stand up to the conditions anticipated in the area in which she is to be operated, either privately or commercially
In summary, the Super Yacht survey will include the following:
- Scope of the survey, specification and equipment used
- Details of intended use – pleasure/commercial
- Examination of hull above and below the water line and superstructure
- Itemized condition report of all accommodation areas of the yacht
- Condition of electrics, engines and machinery, hydraulic and safety equipment
- Sea Trial, including details of sea conditions, handling and machinery operation
- Recommendations following survey and Market Valuation

Damage Surveys
Damage to Super Yachts does occur even with a professional Super Yacht crew! It is a part of life that damage can occur, whether it is between two vessels at sea, a static object or internally.
Chris Nicolle is a highly experienced investigator into the cause of any such casualty and regularly advises both Insurers and Owners on all issues resulting from such a casualty, including advice on repairs.
We are able to advise Owners either through their Underwriters or directly on all issues resulting from a casualty including advice on repair.

Insurance and Bank Valuations/Surveys
We have experience of many different types of large yacht. No matter what type of yacht you have, or are interested in, we can provide an independent and professional opinion for you/your bankers/insurers.
- Valuations can be provided for a single yacht or a fleet
- Methodology of the valuation can be varied, dependent on circumstances
- Close working relationship with key players in the Finance and Insurance industries
- Vessels valued may be unique and unusual, or from a well known yacht building yard
- Our valuations can be a ‘paper’ exercise or follow a detailed physical inspection akin to a condition survey
- Clients include banks, finance companies, leasing companies, commercial owners and individuals, and their insurers
- Valuations/Surveys can take place at the commencement of a loan or risk and periodically thereafter

Engineering Surveys
A marine engineering survey is a detailed inspection of the condition and/or the performance of the machinery and associated equipment on board a larger yacht.
Though the scope can be agreed on a case by case basis, it usually involves some invasive testing in addition to the sea trials and the inspection of controls, fuel, electrical, cooling, exhaust systems, engine beds and mounts.
We have a highly experienced marine engineer/electrical engineer available for such inspections.

Specialist Surveys
In addition to the above we can undertake Pre LY3 Coding Inspections for yachts in excess of 24m, undertake Risk Assessment Inspections, Commercial Coding for Maltese Registration – up to 500gt, and Handover and Delivery Trials.
As you are the Surveyor’s client all services can be tailored to meet your requirements.